Essential idea: Eukaryotes have a much more complex cell structure than prokaryotes.
The image above is an electron micrograph of a pancreatic exocrine cell. It clearly shows the complex structures present in eukaryote cells.
Understandings, Applications and skills:
1.2.U1 | Prokaryotes have a simple cell structure without compartmentalization. |
1.2.U2 | Eukaryotes have a compartmentalized cell structure. |
1.2.U3 | Electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than light microscopes. |
1.2.A1 | Structure and function of organelles within exocrine gland cells of the pancreas and within palisade mesophyll cells of the leaf. |
1.2.A2 | Prokaryotes divide by binary fission. |
1.2.S1 | Drawing of the ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells based on electron micrographs.[Drawings of prokaryotic cells should show the cell wall, pili and flagella, and plasma membrane enclosing cytoplasm that contains 70S ribosomes and a nucleoid with naked DNA.] |
1.2.S2 | Drawing of the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells based on electron micrographs.[Drawings of eukaryotic cells should show a plasma membrane enclosing cytoplasm that contains 80S ribosomes and a nucleus, mitochondria and other membrane-bound organelles are present in the cytoplasm. Some eukaryotic cells have a cell wall.] |
1.2.S3 | Interpretation of electron micrographs to identify organelles and deduce the function of specialized cells. |
[Text in square brackets indicates guidance notes]
The cell song by Mr W.
organelle meet and greet
How well are your drawing skills progressing? Test yourself and then watch and improve your own example prokaryote and eukaryote cells (ignore the numbers - they refer to the old syllabus)
Presentation and notes
The presentation is designed to help your understanding. The notes outline is intended to be used as a framework for the development of student notes to aid revision.
Useful weblinks
A tour of the cell
gives a good introduction to the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes and why they are small, but not too small Prokaryote Structure
McGraw-Hill online learning has a very basic introduction to prokaryotes. Listen and read then move on to the other resources. Use the Wiley Science or the Shepard Software tutorials to reinforce learning and augment your notes. The Shepard Software game is a quick easy way to review prokaryotic cell structure. Pearson's Biocoach can also be used to review your learning. Put your books away and use the quiz to check how much knowledge and understanding you have retained. Pathogens Learn about pathogens in a fun way by reading their microbe passports - a great resource from Microbiology Online Binary fission - cell division in bacteria Bacteria can grow and divide potentially once every 20 minutes. This is a factor in making them a very successful type of organism. Cells Alive illustrates bacterial growth very well. They also have a comprehensive gallery of different cell images. |
Eukaryote Structure
Use the Wiley Science or the Shepard Software tutorials on both animal and plant cells to reinforce learning and augment your notes. The John Kyrk animation is a very straighforward way to learn about the anatomy of a typical animal cell The Shepard Software games are a quick easy way to review eukaryotic cell structure. Learn about the structure of eukaryotic cells using the tutorial and self-test from Mr T Brown Pearson's Biocoach can also be used to review your learning. Put your books away and use the quiz to check how much knowledge and understanding you have retained. This interactive animation from the University of Utah allows you to explore inside animal and plant cells, learning about the roles of the organelles and other sub-cellular structures. Roles of organelles What is the function of golgi apparatus (KScience)? This animation is a nice easy visual explanation The explorable animal cell by St Olaf College includes links to other sites to give further detail on the organelles The endomembrane protein synthesis animation by St Olaf College shows the roles the different organelles play in the creation of proteins for secretion Communication between eukaryotes Learn about the inside story of cell communication by learn.genetics |
Nature of science:
Developments in scientific research follow improvements in apparatus—the invention of electron microscopes led to greater understanding of cell structure. (1.8)
Microscopes were invented simultaneously in different parts of the world at a time when information travelled slowly. Modern-day communications have allowed for improvements in the ability to collaborate, enriching scientific endeavour.
Micrographia by Robert Hooke is one of the earliest works about cells. It is kindly published by the US National Library of Medicine
Micrographia by Robert Hooke is one of the earliest works about cells. It is kindly published by the US National Library of Medicine
Theory of knowledge:
The world that we inhabit is limited by the world that we see. Is there any distinction to be drawn between knowledge claims dependent upon observations made by sense perception and knowledge claims dependent upon observations assisted by technology?